Reapparition de Mars
Image Credit &
David Duarte
Romualdo Caldas
Mars reappears
just beyond the Moon's dark limb in this stack of sharp
video frames captured on September 6.
Of course to reappear it had to disappear
in the first place.
It did that over an hour earlier when the sunlit southern edge of
the waning gibbous Moon passed in front of
the Red Planet
as seen from Maceio, Brazil.
The lunar occultation
came as the Moon was near apogee, about 400,000 kilometers
Mars was almost 180 times more distant.
It was the fourth
lunar occultation of Mars
visible from planet Earth in 2020.
Visible from some southern latitudes, the
lunar occultation of Mars in 2020 will take place on October 3
when the Moon and Mars are
both nearly opposite the Sun in planet Earth's sky.