Perseverance Valley Panorama
Mars exploration rover
Opportunity's parting panorama
from Perseverance Valley spans 360
degrees in this false color mosaic.
The scene is composed
of 354 individual images recorded through
3 different color filters by the rover's panoramic camera from
May 13 through
June 10, 2018.
A few frames remain in black and white at the lower left though.
Those were obtained through only one filter just
before a dust storm engulfed Mars in June 2018,
ultimately ending the solar-powered rover's
trailblazing 15 year mission.
Just right of center, the annotation identifies Opportunity's entry point
to Perseverance Valley along the Endeavor crater's western rim.
The rover's tracks begin there, extending
from over the horizon toward the far right and its
final resting
spot on the Red Planet.