Advanced LIGO - Detecteur d'Ondes Gravitationnelles
Accelerate a charge and you'll get
electromagnetic radiation: light.
But accelerate any mass and you'll get
gravitational radiation.
Light is seen all the time, but, so far, a confirmed direct detection of
gravitational radiation has
been elusive.
When absorbed,
gravitational waves create a
tiny symmetric jiggle similar to
squashing a
rubber ball and letting go quickly.
Separated detectors can be used to discern
gravitational waves from everyday bumps.
astronomical sources of
gravitational radiation would coincidentally
jiggle even detectors on opposite ends of the Earth.
Pictured here are the four-kilometer-long arms
of one such detector: the
LIGO Hanford Observatory in
Washington state, USA.
Together with its sister interferometer in
wave detectors continue to be
upgraded and are now
more sensitive than ever.