Draconid Meteors Over Spain
What are those streaks in the sky?
They're meteors from the
meteor shower that peaked earlier this month.
The above composite image captured numerous meteor streaks over 90 minutes above the Celtic ruins of Capote in
Badajoz province,
The particles that caused these meteors were typically the size of a pebble and were expelled long ago from the nucleus of
comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner.
Most of the above meteors can be traced back to a single
radiant emanating from the
constellation of the Dragon
Reports from this year's meteor shower indicate that the Draconids were
unusually good this year with
was concentrated around 8 pm
UT on October 8.
The most intense
Draconid meteor showers in recent history occurred in 1933 and 1946 when thousands of meteors per hour were
as the Earth plowed through particularly dense streams of comet debris.
Although the Draconids occur every October, it is usually difficult to know just how active each year's meteor shower will be.