All-Sky Panorama
Credit & Copyright:
Axel Mellinger
This quite stunning panorama
of the entire sky is a mosaic of 51
Made over a three year period from locations in
California (USA), South Africa, and Germany, the individual
pictures were
digitized and stitched together to create
an apparently seamless 360 by 180 degree view.
Using a mathematical prescription like one often
used to map
the whole Earth's surface onto a single flat image,
the complete digital mosaic was distorted and
projected onto an oval shape.
The image is oriented so the
plane of our Milky Way Galaxy
runs horizontally
through the middle with the
Galactic center at image center and
Galactic north at the top.
Most striking are the "milky"
bands of starlight from the
multitude of
stars in
galactic plane cut by the dark, obscuring dust clouds
strewn through the local spiral arms.
In fact, almost everything visible here is within our own
Milky Way Galaxy.
Two fuzzy patches in the lower right quadrant of the mosaic
do correspond to external galaxies, though.
Known as the
Clouds, these are small, nearby satellite
galaxies of the magnificent Milky Way.