Sun Spot Hill
Image Credit & Copyright:
Jordi Coy
Is this giant orange ball about to roll down that tree-lined hill?
No, because the giant orange ball is actually
the Sun.
Our Solar System's
central star
was captured rising beyond a hill on Earth
twelve days ago complete with a delightfully detailed foreground.
The Sun's disk showed
five sunspots, quite a lot considering that during the
solar minimum in solar activity of the past few years, most days showed
no spots.
A close look at the hill --
Sierra del
Cid in Perter,
Spain -- reveals not only silhouetted pine trees, but silhouetted people --
by coincidence three brothers of the photographer.
The trees and brothers were about 3.5-kilometers away during the morning of the well-planned,
single-exposure image.
A dark filter muted the usually
brilliant Sun
and brought up great detail on the lower
Within a few minutes,
the Sun rose far above the hill, while within a week,
the sunspots rotated
around the Sun, out of view.
The captured scene, however, is now
frozen in time for all to enjoy.