Craters and Shadows at the Lunar Terminator
Image Credit & Copyright:
Talha Zia
Why does the right part of this image of the Moon stand out?
The terminator line -- the line between light and dark -- occurs in the featured image so that just over half
the Moon's face is illuminated by sunlight.
The lunar surface appears different nearer
the terminator because there
the Sun is nearer the horizon and therefore causes
shadows to become increasingly long.
These shadows make it easier for us to discern
structure, giving us
depth cues so that the
two-dimensional image, when dominated by shadows, appears almost
Therefore, as the
Moon fades from light to dark,
shadows not only tell us the high from the low,
but become noticeable for increasingly shorter structures.
For example, many craters appear near the terminator because their height makes them easier to discern there.
The image was taken two weeks ago when the
lunar phase was
waning gibbous.
The next
full moon, a Moon without shadows,
will occur one week from today.