Bright Spots Resolved in Occator Crater on Ceres
What created these bright spots on Ceres?
The spots were
first noted as the
robotic Dawn spacecraft approached
the largest object in the
asteroid belt, in February, with the expectation that
the mystery would soon be solved in higher resolution images.
However, even after Dawn arrived at Ceres in March, the
riddle remained.
Surprisingly, although images including the
taken in the last month do resolve many details inside
Occator crater, they do not resolve
the mystery.
Another recent clue is that a
faint haze develops over the crater's bright spots.
Dawn is scheduled to continue to spiral down toward
Ceres and scan the dwarf planet in
several new ways that, it is hoped,
will determine the chemical composition of the region and finally reveal the nature and history of the spots.
In several years, after running out of power,
Dawn will continue
to orbit Ceres indefinitely, becoming an artificial satellite and an
enduring monument to
human exploration.