When Moons and Shadows Dance
Credit & Copyright:
Wes Higgins
It's no wonder Jupiter is a favorite
for even modest earthbound telescopes.
The most massive planet
in the solar system with
four of the largest moons also boasts the famous
Great Red Spot,
a giant hurricane-like storm system over three hundred years old.
Recorded on December 15, 2002 between 7:19 and 8:40 UT,
over a thousand digital images were processed and stacked to
create this spectacular 21 frame animation of the
Jovian system.
South is up and as the Great Red Spot tracks across the face of Jupiter,
innermost Galilean
moon Io enters the scene at the far right.
Io occults (passes in front of) the edge of the more
sedately orbiting Ganymede with
Io's shadow moving quickly across the gas giant's
cloud tops, just below the Red Spot.
While the moon Callisto is outside the field of view, its large,
dark shadow is also
visible crossing the Jovian disk at the upper left.
Viewed from Earth, the orbits of the Galilean moons presently
lie nearly edge-on, offering many chances to observe similar
dances of Jupiter's moons.