55 Cancri: Familiar Planet Discovered
Illustration Credit &
Lynette Cook
Is our Solar System unique?
The discovery of a Jupiter-like planet in a Jupiter-like orbit around nearby
Sun-like star
55 Cancri,
announced yesterday, gives a new indication that
planetary systems similar to our
Solar System
likely exist elsewhere.
The planet, discovered by
G. Marcy
(UC Berkeley) and collaborators,
is one of two new planets found around
55 Cancri
-- in 1997 a Jupiter-massed planet was found orbiting very close in.
The finding involved noting
subtle changes in the speed
of the star caused by its orbiting planets.
The above drawing depicts what this planet might look like,
complete with a hypothetical moon.
The star
55 Cancri, only 40 light-years distant, is
visible with
binoculars towards the constellation of